Hello, I am Pradipta

Pradipta Deb

Research and Development Engineer at INRIA

I’m a skilled professional working in the junction of privacy and machine learning. I have a strong research focus and inclination towards statistical machine learning, deep learning, and their applications in various domains like Computer Vision and Medical Imaging, Natural Language and Speech Processing, with a keen emphasis on the privacy of datasets. I like taking up new challenges and responsibilities, can adapt to situations, and learn quickly from my peers.

Team Work
Fast Learner
Problem Solving



Research and Development Engineer
Team Magnet, INRIA

Oct 2019 - Present, Lille, France

Magnet is a research team at INRIA Lille Nord Europe and in CRIStAL (CNRS UMR 9189, University of Lille). The Magnet project aims to design new machine learning based methods geared towards mining information networks

  • Design and develop privacy-preserving machine learning models, unit tests, integration tests, and performance optimization for deployment in low-resource devices.
  • Design, develop cryptographic algorithms (PHE, FHE etc.) and their specific optimized implementations.
  • Develop a new programming language that can mention the privacy constraint of a contract. This language supports all functionalities of a typical OOP language along with the possibility of performing probabilistic analysis of data privacy and data provenance.
  • Develop a Collaborative Computation Platform, where users can send their data for participating in a collaborative statistical study without having to think about the privacy of their data. The platform performs some U-statistics on gathered user data and securing the platform from any adversarial attack utilizing using notions of Differential Privacy, Homomorphic Encryption, and Decentralized Learning.
  • Tools used - Jupyter Lab, Docker, Anaconda, Python, Flask, Poetry, and Pycryptodome

External Collaborator
Team Magnet, INRIA

Sep 2019 - Oct 2019, Lille, France

Magnet is a research team at INRIA Lille Nord Europe and in CRIStAL (CNRS UMR 9189, University of Lille). The Magnet project aims to design new machine learning based methods geared towards mining information networks

  • Implementation and integration the GOPA algorithm into an existing privacy-preserving ML application.
  • Tools used - Python3, Flask

Research Assistant

Oct 2016 - Dec 2018, Saarbrücken, Germany

The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) is a non-profit public-private partnership organization that evelops product functions, prototypes and patentable solutions in the field of information and communication technology.

  • Develop an improved algorithm for the grapheme-to-phoneme conversion in the existing MaryTTS project.
  • Built a new model for the Unit-Selection module of MaryTTS text to speech synthesis system, which converts phoneme strings into 16bit audio files.
  • Built a Neural Grapheme to Phoneme conversion model. The model was used in the Blizzard-2018 Challange submission from MaryTTS team.
  • Collaborated in developing an alternate PTS (Phoneme-to-Speech Synthesis) model which was able to synthesize speech from phonetic symbols (IPA, ARPABET etc.).
  • Tools used - Python3, Tensorflow/Keras, Pytorch, Numpy, Scikit-Learn, Gradle, Praat, Docker, Flask

Systems Engineer
Tata Consultancy Services Limited

Sep 2012 - Sep 2015, Kolkata, India

Tata Consultancy Services Limited is an Indian multinational information technology services and consulting company. TCS is a global leader in IT services, consulting & business solutions with a large network of innovation & delivery centers.

  • Worked as a Configurable Network Computing Developer, responsibilities were writing scripts to monitor system performance and production maintenance.
  • In charge of package deployment in Oracle’s JD Edwards EnterpriseOne for several instances of the Johnson & Johnson family of companies.
  • Worked as a Java Developer, was in charge of leading a team of 3 developers working in the domain of web and system application development.
  • Provided maintenance support for system applications in testing and production environment.
  • Tools used - Java, C/C++, UNIX Shell Scripting, J2EE, MySQL, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Education & Publications


DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer (Professional Certificate)
DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer (Professional Certificate)
Jan, 2021 - Present

As part of this Professional Certificate program, I have learned how to build and train neural networks using TensorFlow, how to improve network performance using convolutions as I train it to identify real-world images. How to teach machines to understand, analyze, and respond to human speech with natural languageprocessing systems, and more!

Sequences, Time Series and Prediction
Sequences, Time Series and Prediction
Jan, 2021 - Present

Learnt how to build time series models in TensorFlow. Implemented the best practices to prepare time series data. Explored how RNNs and 1D ConvNets can be used for prediction. Finally, applied everything I’ve learned throughout the Specialization to build a sunspot prediction model using real-world data!

Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow
Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow
Jan, 2021 - Present

Learnt to process text, including tokenizing and representing sentences as vectors, so that they can be input to a neural network. Learnt to apply RNNs, GRUs, and LSTMs in TensorFlow. Finally, trained an LSTM on existing text to create original poetry!

Convolutional Neural Networks in TensorFlow
Convolutional Neural Networks in TensorFlow
Jan, 2021 - Present

Learnt advanced techniques to improve the computer vision models. Explored how to work with real-world images in different shapes and sizes, visualize the journey of an image through convolutions. Explored strategies to prevent overfitting, including augmentation and dropout. Finally, understood transfer learning and how learned features can be extracted from models.

Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
Jan, 2021 - Present

Learnt best practices for using TensorFlow, a popular open-source machine learning framework. Built a basic neural network in TensorFlow. Trained a neural network for a computer vision application. Understood how to use convolutions to improve a neural network.

AI For Medicine Specialization
AI For Medicine Specialization
Nov, 2020 - Present

A three-course Specialization for applying machine learning and deep learning to concrete problems in medicine.

AI For Medical Diagnosis
AI For Medical Diagnosis
Oct, 2020 - Present

Created a convolutional neural network image classification and segmentation models to make diagnoses of lung and brain disorders.

AI For Medical Prognosis
AI For Medical Prognosis
Oct, 2020 - Present

Developed risk models and survival estimators for heart disease using statistical methods and a random forest predictor to determine patient prognosis

AI For Medical Treatment
AI For Medical Treatment
Nov, 2020 - Present

Developed a treatment effect predictor, apply model interpretation techniques and use natural language processing to extract information from radiology reports.

Mathematics for Machine Learning Specialization
Mathematics for Machine Learning Specialization
Apr, 2019 - Present

A three course specialization for working on the underlying mathematics, building an intuitive understanding, and relating it to Machine Learning and Data Science via appliying the knowledge to real world problems. For example, using linear algebra in order to calculate the page rank of a small simulated internet, applying multivariate calculus in order to train your own neural network, performing a non-linear least squares regression to fit a model to a data set, and using principal component analysis to determine the features of the MNIST digits data set.

Deep Learning Specialization
Deep Learning Specialization
Oct, 2018 - Present

A five course specialization to develop a profound knowledge of the hottest AI algorithms, mastering deep learning from its foundations (neural networks) to its industry applications (Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Speech Recognition, etc.).

Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Oct, 2017 - Present

Understood the major technology trends driving Deep Learning. Built, train and apply fully connected deep neural networks. Implemented efficient (vectorized) neural networks Understood the key parameters in a neural network’s architecture.

Improving Deep Neural Networks Hyperparameter, Tuning, Regularization and Optimization
Improving Deep Neural Networks Hyperparameter, Tuning, Regularization and Optimization
Jan, 2018 - Present

Understood industry best-practices for building deep learning applications. Effectively used the common neural network “tricks”, including initialization, L2 and dropout regularization, Batch normalization, gradient checking, Implemented and apply a variety of optimization algorithms, such as mini-batch gradient descent, Momentum, RMSprop and Adam, and check for their convergence. Understood new best-practices for the deep learning era of how to set up train/dev/test sets and analyze bias/variance Implemented a neural network in TensorFlow.

Structuring Machine Learning Projects
Structuring Machine Learning Projects
Dec, 2017 - Present

Understood how to diagnose errors in a machine learning system. Able to prioritize the most promising directions for reducing error. Understood complex ML settings, such as mismatched training/test sets, and comparing to and/or surpassing human-level performance. Understood how to apply end-to-end learning, transfer learning, and multi-task learning.

Convolutional Neural Networks
Convolutional Neural Networks
Oct, 2018 - Present

Understood how to build a convolutional neural network, including recent variations such as residual networks. Understood how to apply convolutional networks to visual detection and recognition tasks. Understood how to use neural style transfer to generate art. Able to apply these algorithms to a variety of image, video, and other 2D or 3D data.

Sequence Models
Sequence Models
Oct, 2018 - Present

Understood how to build and train Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), and commonly-used variants such as GRUs and LSTMs. Able to apply sequence models to natural language problems, including text synthesis. Able to apply sequence models to audio applications, including speech recognition and music synthesis.

Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Mar, 2016 - Present

This course provides a broad introduction to machine learning, datamining, and statistical pattern recognition. Topics include (i) Supervised learning (parametric/non-parametric algorithms, support vector machines, kernels, neural networks). (ii) Unsupervised learning (clustering, dimensionality reduction, recommender systems, deep learning). (iii) Best practices in machine learning (bias/variance theory; innovation process in machine learning and AI).



DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate

National Merit Scholarship - Government of India

TCS ILP Training Kudos

ITIL Foundation Training Certification

TCS Service and Commitment Award